Being successful with a small budget

Being successful with a small budget

Google Ads work best when they’re always-on. This means we aim to keep your wallet in the positive. We bill 30 days in advance and when there is one week left of your budget, we’ll charge your card again. This ensures you always get the best results.

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You don’t need to spend loads of money on Google Ads to get more customers to your website, but being clever is key. 

Try these three tips for creating effective Google Ads with a limited budget:

  1. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Targeting a smaller geographic location will give you a larger impression share within that area.
  2. Make your keywords as specific as possible. The shorter the keyword you target, the lower the chance of conversions. Opting for ‘long tail’ keywords such as “buy women’s clothing online” rather than “women’s clothing”, will increase your chances of conversion.
  3. Add your phone number to your ads so customers can reach you via click-to-call. As of March 2021, roughly 75% of all internet searches in SA were made on mobile devices.*

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