Retail Calendar April's Fool Day

April Fools Day

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April Fools’ Day is the perfect opportunity to show your brand in a more fun light and get some additional traffic. But how to know when the joke went too far? Or should you even be doing it?

Customer Behaviour:

April Fools’ may not be a typical promotional day such as Christmas or Black Friday, but it definitely has its purpose. While Christmas is usually quite official and festive and promotion is more serious and family-oriented, Black Friday campaigns are mainly sales-driven, and Valentine’s is more romantic; April Fools’ is a mix. You can join in on the fun with other brands, promote silly toys or pranks, make a cheeky comment or do something wholesome.


April Fools Day is a tongue-in-cheek tradition that, for once a year, breaks the formal tone of business-customer relationships, which can be a great ice breaker. It is the perfect time for copywriters, marketers, and advertisers to relook the quirky ideas they had throughout the year. 

April is about making people laugh, but also about your brand exposure, sharing your content and generating backlinks. Additionally, you can get some media coverage, depending on the nature of your business and your hoax. Be funny, but also helpful and innovative.


Work with us to turn a seemingly one-time encounter into a kickoff to a long-term relationship with your new audience.

And remember to always be sensitive and respectful in the manner and context of your pranks. A good rule of thumb is that if your brand has never used humor or the element of surprise in its content before, rather don’t try it today.

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