Retail Calendar Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

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Chinese New Year marks the beginning of the lunar calendar. It’s not just China’s 1.4 billion population who will be celebrating the Year of the Tiger’s dawn in February 2022 – Lunar New Year is celebrated all around the world by Chinese emigrants, their descendants and local friends.

Customer Behaviour:

While Christmas is often thought of as the biggest event in most holiday calendars, last year alone consumers spent spent 821 billion renminbi, or $127 billion, from Feb. 11 to 17, a big 

increase from 2020 but still below the amount in 2019, which was more than 1 trillion renminbi.


Millennials and Gen-Z are gaining purchasing power. Reports from 2021 show that Millennials and Gen-Z are overtaking their parents’ generation when it comes to making purchases for Lunar New Year festivals. Consumption trends during Lunar New Year are also increasingly shifting towards tech items.


At-home consumer experiences: As people are spending less time at in-person events, Adbot can help you bring that same level of excitement to their new online version of Chinese New Year events. 
Consider how consumers can make the most of being at home: Chinese New Year is the perfect time to promote things like online courses or online fitness programs, as people look ahead and make resolutions for the following year.

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