St Patrick’s Day

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St. Patrick’s Day is the national day of Ireland and is a global celebration of what it means to be Irish.

Customer Behaviour:

Every year, from Cape Town to Johannesburg, there are great celebrations of all things Irish on St. Patrick’s Day and the days and weeks around it. Table Mountain was even once turned green in celebration! Searches in the week leading up to St Patrick’s day include gifts, Guinness, recipes, decorations and craft ideas, as well as green clothing.


There is a saying that goes, ‘everybody’s Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day’, and even if you don’t drink beer, or wear green, you can still celebrate and enjoy the festivities. 


Through Adbot you can quickly leverage tactical sales, as well as break the ice with potential customers. Through retargeting we will then further the conversation with the new market. Adbot can enable you to be quick, clever and efficient in the way you reach your audience with seasonal promotions and campaigns.

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