Like it or not, Valentine’s Day is here to stay. It’s the perfect opportunity to start off your year’s marketing efforts – especially if your business is in a relevant category.
Customer Behaviour:
According to Google Trends, the first week of January has already seen a 250% increase in people searching “Valentines Day gifts for him 2022,” a 200% increase in people searching “mens Valentines gifts,” and a 190% increase in people searching “Valentines Day gifts for her,” and “cute Valentines Day gifts.” What other trends does search reveal? We know that Valentine’s Day typically involves key categories like flowers, gifts, and restaurants. But people aren’t just searching for gifts for significant others anymore. They’re also searching for gifts for children and pets.
Aside from searches starting just after Christmas, we have also seen a spike from 11 to 13 February, including ‘same-day delivery’, which accounts for all the people who perhaps weren’t as organised and left shopping till the last minute. At the same time, for the last five years running, searches for ‘same-day delivery’ grow massively in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day.
For Valentine’s Day, it’s all about reaching new audiences and customers. If you offer gift options or experiences, now is the perfect time.
Through Adbot you can start your communication for Valentine’s Day in mid-January and get a leg up on your competition. Relooking your budget for Google Search at this time could help you be seen by more people. We suggest that during this time you focus on telling your brand story, so you can show consumers what makes you unique and different from your competitors. Then, when the inevitable rush occurs in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, changing your focus to same-day delivery and value will be key.